
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pandak Beach, Chendering, Terengganu

During this unplanned trip, I tried to cast of my fear of using shutter mode since it always came out dark. C & C are most welcomed. We got there right after the rain, just about time for the Asr prayer.

eos 550D f/16 1/30s iso 200 50mm handheld, no flash

eos 550D f/22 1/200s iso 400 50mm handheld no flash

eos 550D f/2 1/800s iso 200 50mm handheld no flash

Sunday, May 19, 2013

MoPho: Venturing into mobile photography

"The best camera is the one that you have with you". I hear the phrase a lot and it happens to be so TRUE!!. Who can deny it.

So far, despite the ever increasing passion for photography, it stays as a hobby, facing the circumstances that I have, I can never see myself as a professional. Working 6 days a week, taking class on weekends.. moments that I have left for myself, it is not practical for me to have my dslr with me all the time, thus suggestions like taking a picture everyday to hone my skills has become irrelevant. Thanks to smartphone technology these days, that would no longer be an issue.

Some would say they'll stick to cameras due to the quality and control, but then personally , I think low quality shots are better than no shot at all. Moments goes by and don't come back ever. The possibility for the same experience or opportunity to come across again can't really be predicted. So it is best to make the best out of what you have with you. In fact, it will force you to become more creative. Any way, with the rate of acceleration in technology, just give it some time, in wont be much of an issue anymore (at least for me). Besides, street photography wont look so awkward.

These are a few shots taken with Samsung Galaxy S II

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Potraiture : capturing emotions

Other than macro or close ups, potraits is the other field I'd like to master, (or at least dream about it). I'm always fascinated by the ability of great photographers out there who not only are able to capture the moment, but the also the emotions behind the scene.
Unfortunately, my unstable hands are not quite cooperative partners of mine. Sometimes I guess I was just thinking to much, what setting should I choose... am I using the right lense..etc..etc.. and before I knew it the moment just passes by, especially when the subjects are children. Here are a couple that all I can say are lucky shots.